08/04/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 27/09/75
Only those who have unlimited disinterest and renunciation and are unlimited servers become world emperors.
Does the spiritual meeting of spirits take place through words or by going beyond words? The final stage of going beyond sound takes place in one second through the sparkle of spiritual vision. The memorial of wanting to have a glimpse is the memorial of the glimpse of the jewel of the forehead through the eyes. The final moments are of takingothers beyond with just a glance.
When all of you have become stable in the lighthouse and mighthouse stage, you will carry out the task of spreadinglight and might throughout the whole world from one place. Those who are to become world emperors will belighthouses and mighthouses. Wealthy people and subjects who come into contact with those who claim a royalstatus will not be lighthouses, but they will have the form of light. There is a difference between that and of being alighthouse and mighthouse. Unless you first become a world server, you cannot become a world emperor. In orderto become a world emperor, you have to pass through three stages. The first stage is to be an unlimited renunciatewho renounces everything in one second; not one who wastes time in thinking about it, but who instantly surrenderseverything to the one Father at once. The second stage is to be a constant and tireless server and the third stage is tobe one who constantly has an attitude of unlimited disinterest. An unlimited renunciate, an unlimited server and anattitude of unlimited disinterest. As well as becoming a lighthouse and a mighthouse at the end, only those who havegone through these three stages can become a world emperor. So check yourself to see which stage you havereached. Become your own judge. Those who become their own judge before going to the land of Dharamraj aresaved from the punishment of Dharamraj.
The Father does not wish to see the children in the land of Dharamraj. Do you know what the easy method is tobecome free from punishment in the land of Dharamraj? On the path of ignorance also, it is said: Do everything aftercareful consideration. First think about it and then put it into action or words. If you perform every deed after carefulconsideration, then instead of performing wasteful deeds, you will perform powerful deeds. Before a deed is done,the thought emerges. The thought is the seed. If the seed, that is, the thought, is powerful, then the deed and wordsare automatically powerful. Therefore, in the effort of the present time, you have to make every thought verypowerful. Thoughts are the elevated treasure of life. Just as you can attain whatever you want and as much as youwant from your own treasures, in the same way, you can attain an elevated reward for all time through elevatedthoughts. Always keep this little slogan in your awareness: I have to speak and do everything after carefulconsideration. Only then will I be able to create an elevated life for all time and become free from punishment in theland of Dharamraj. What is the duty of a judge? To give judgment after careful consideration. Become your ownjustice in every thought. Through this, you will be able to claim the status of a world emperor in heaven. Achcha.
Today, BapDada specially has to take support of old matter to meet the new children. It is the wonder of the childrenthat they even make the Father the same as themselves. BapDada is also happy to see such longlost and nowfoundchildren. Each one's sound of their deep love, of their feelings and their desire to have a meeting reaches BapDada.Therefore, BapDada has to come to give the return. Achcha.
To such extremely loved, longlost and nowfound children, who are absorbed in the love of One; to the intense effortmaking children who have come last and are moving fast and so will come into the first division, BapDada's love,remembrance and namaste.
Personal meeting:Do you remember the intoxication of "The wonder of I!" (Wah re me!)? Does that day, that sparkle and thatintoxication remain in your awareness? Those days of such intoxication were very unique. As soon as you rememberthe days of such intoxication, you become intoxicated. There was such intoxication and happiness that even thephysical feet would be dancing naturally whilst walking and moving around. You wouldn't dance just according to aprogramme; you would be dancing in your mind, and your body would also be dancing naturally. You can performthis natural dance constantly. The way your eyes look at everything, the way your hands move and the way your feetwalk also perform a natural dance of happiness. This is called the dance of angels. Do you constantly dance thisnatural dance? It is said that the feet of angels can never touch the ground. So too, souls who are to become angelsdo not put their feet on the ground, that is, they never have the awareness of the body. Just as earth is clay, so too,this body is also clay, is it not? So angels never place their feet on the ground, that is, their intellect is not caught upin the earth, that is, in the body. This is the sign of being an angel. The closer you come to the angelic stage, themore the feet will remain above the awareness of the body, of the earth. If they do not remain above, but on theground, then understand that there is a burden. Anything that has a burden (weight) cannot remain up above. If thereisn't lightness but a burden, then your feet will again and again come back to the ground and you will not become anangel, that is, you will not be light. The feet of angels automatically remain above the ground; they don't have tomake effort to do this. For those who are light, it is said: These ones are flying through the air, they are not walkingbut flying. In the same way, angels also fly in their elevated stage. There is such pleasure in seeing and performingthis natural dance of angels. You maharathi teachers continually perform this natural dance of angels, do you not?Karankaravanhar Shiv Baba asked you teachers sitting directly in front of Him.
(Someone said: Baba, cut off Maya's arms.) If Baba were to cut off Maya's arms, then the One who cuts them offwould get the reward of it. The Father can do anything; it is just an order of one second. However, how would thefuture of those who want to create their future be created? Should Baba do it for everyone or just for you? In thatcase it would become like where there are many who nowadays accept bribes; this would also come in that list. Thisis why, in Nepal, they make little children hold a knife when they perform the act; they themselves perform the actthrough the hands of a child. This much is possible, but the hand of courage definitely has to be used. They do atleast this much, do they not? This is a topic for the teachers. For how long do you remain an angel throughout theday and for how long do you become a human being of the mortal world? Angels are not included in relationships ofthe divine family; they constantly remain detached. With whom do they have all their relationships? If you makesomeone else your friend, the relationship of a friend with the Father would be reduced slightly. Whateverrelationship you forge with someone else, whether it is of a brother or a sister or any other relationship, then, becauseit is distributed, that relationship would definitely be reduced with the One. When the heart is broken, it breaks intopieces. Even the Father doesn't accept a broken heart. This is a deep philosophy of relationships. You should haveno relationship with anyone except the One; no friend, no brother, no sister. Because, otherwise, you wouldremember a particular soul in that relationship.
An angel means one who doesn't have any connection with other souls. It is easy to have love, but difficult to fulfilthe responsibility of that love. The number is not given on whether you have love, but on the basis of how much youfulfil your responsibility. Not everyone knows how to fulfil the responsibility of love; only some know how to dothis. The line of those who fulfil the responsibility keeps on changing.
Although they have one aim, their qualifications become different, and this is why although they all have love, onlysome fulfil their responsibility of that love. Even bhagats have love, but they don't fulfil the responsibility of it.Children fulfil their responsibility, but it is numberwise; a few out of multimillions and a handful out of that few! Ifsomething is lacking in fulfilling the responsibility of even one relationship, or if something is missing in therelationship for instance, if you have 75% relationship with the Father and 25% with another soul then too, youwould not come in the list of those who fulfil the responsibility of love. You keep the company of the Father for 75%of the time and you seek the company of someone else for 25% of the time; in that case also, you would not come inthe list of those who fulfil the responsibility. To fulfil a responsibility means to do it completely and fully. This is avery deep aspect. Even in your thoughts, there should be no other soul. This is known as fulfilling yourresponsibility completely and fully. No matter what the situation is: whether of your mind or your body or of yourrelationships and connections, no other soul should enter your thoughts. The very second you even have theawareness of another soul even in your thoughts, an account is created. This is why only eight pass completely.There is the memorial of the special eight. There must definitely be such a deep significance. It is a very difficultpaper. Angels are those who don't have anyone even in their thoughts, not even in any situation or under anycompulsion. There should not be anyone in your thoughts for even a second. You can only become an angel whenyou remain strong even under any type of compulsion. The destination is very high but there is no harm in that. It iseasy because you have multimillionfold awareness. However, because the attainment you receive from therelationship with the Father may not be in your awareness at that time, because you may forget it, you therefore seekthe support of someone else. Is the attainment anything little? There is praise of the Father, and not of any other soul,that He is the One who makes easy everything that is difficult. So, at any time of difficulty, you should seek thesupport of the Father, not the support of any soul. However, because you are weak at that time, you forget theattainment you receive from Him. When someone who is drowning finds even a little straw, he takes the support ofit. At that time, because of distress, you take the support of any little straw that comes in front of you. But, do younot realise that through doing this you become one with no support? Achcha.
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